URGENT REQUEST NEEDED BY MIDNIGHT, JANUARY 20TH BY TUTORS WITH SKILLED BACKGROUNDS IN BOTH BUSINESS STUDIES AND WRITING: I need a complete, minimum-5000 word Strategic Management Buisness Plan with a detailed SWOT analysis.This job isn't as hard as it sounds because it's already nearly half done. I've already done a 1,987 word first draft,but I'm having a lot of difficulty finishing it by the deadline. I'm a very skilled writer, but my background and training is in the mathematical sciences, not business management.I need someone with formal training in business to finish this-preferably someone who's done quite a few detailed SWOT analyses. I would ordinarily just work my tail off and research what i need in buisness knowledge to do so-but this is 50 percent of someone's final grade and the deadline is so soon. I'd be either an idiot or a conman to try and complete this in time without help from a business student. One more thing and this is critical: THIS PAPER IS BEING CHECKED FOR PLAGARISM BY SOFTWARE. I PLANNED ON REWRITING IT BY MYSELF TO ENSURE ORIGINALITY, BUT THERE MAY NOT BE TIME FOR THAT. SO PLEASE BE COMPLETELY ORIGINAL,NO CUT AND PASTE OR I'M DEAD. As I said, the job's already half done-I need someone with formal business training to help me with the parts of the assignment that are technical in these areas. The assignment is posted with the question-please read carefully before taking the job.