
Just need to answer 2 question with powerpoint format.

(2 slides per question)


-What are the effects of digital media on the environment?

-Does digital media reduce the overall carbon footprint?

From this paper.




Digital Media’s Effect on the Paper Industry


Why I Picked This Topic


I picked this topic because digital media has impacted the ecosystem in a negative fashion.  Less paper-based products does not necessarily reflect an overall better environment for Earth.  The carbon footprint of digital media is significantly alarming and can be analyzed by gray matter and toxic “e-waste.” Coal powered digital media is more destructive to the environment than deforestation.  The United States, as well as other global countries should find a balance between digital and print media in order to avoid extinction of print media. 




What are the effects of digital media on the environment?


There are many unseen impacts of digital media, also known as gray matter and toxic “e-waste.”  Carli says in 2010, “In order to create new possibilities for a better world we need to consider the impacts of e-waste associated with the growing use of digital media.  Coal powered digital media is more destructive to the environment than deforestation itself. 


How much digital media waste is produced by the United States?


Electronic devices produced 50 million tons of waste per year.  As compared to China, the United States is the world leader in e-waste.  The United States produces 3 million tons per year followed behind China at 2.3 million tons per year. 


Does digital media reduce the overall carbon footprint?


Consumers may believe that the overall decrease in the need for paper-based products has reduced the United States carbon footprint; however, this is not true.  Carli, in 2010, says that “Neither print nor digital media is currently structured better for the environment.”  Digital media is responsible for the growing carbon footprint in the United States.  Electricity consumed by digital media contributes to the overall carbon footprint.


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