Argument Essay about a pairing of a Television Show and the Film Adaptation of that show


Follow the below instructions to write an essay (at least two full pages, preferably three) and the Television Show/Movie to choose (one) from are:

Transformers, Charlies Angels, Mission Impossible, 21 Jump Street or Star Trek

Purpose:  To take the ideas, concepts, and principles discussed in the various readings and discussion forums of the course and apply them in a critical way to a specific Pop Culture text.

Procedure:  You will be writing an essay in which you will need to make a specific argument about a pairing of texts you choose.  This pairing of texts, as indicated in 1. below will be a television show and the film adaptation of that show.  This argument must be based on, and supported by, the various readings we have done all quarter.  The nature and focus of the argument is up to you and is one of the elements in the assessment of this project.

1.      Select an episodic television program that has made the transition to film (e.g. The Simpsons, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly, etc.).  The film must be a feature film and not a made for TV, straight to digital, straight to DVD, etc. movie.  You can choose a single episode of the show, a season, or the entire series as your point of departure.

2.      Familiarize yourself intimately with the following:

         a.       The television show

         b.      The film

         c.       The advertising for the television show and the film: this can include trailers, promos, related products, etc.

3.      Make an argument about the meaning, impact, framework, etc. of both to the viewing audience, the culture, etc.  Your argument should be influenced by the ideas concepts and principles presented in all of the required readings for the term.

         a.       An argument has, at a minimum three elements to it: A claim (a statement about what you want to prove or establish as a truth for your reader: think thesis), grounds (solid and specific reasons, examples, evidence, etc. to prove the truth of your claim), and a warrant (a logical connection between your reasons and your claim: basically a line of analysis that says my reasons actually support my claim).

4.      Focus and develop your argument through the essay, using the readings and/or additional research to support your claim.

5.      Be sure you have in-text referencing and a references page that follows APA guidelines and standards.

6.   This essay must be at least two pages in length, but no more than 5 pages in length.  I will not assess any portion of the assignment that goes beyond the 5 page maximum.  If your paper is less than 2 pages in length, it will not receive credit. 

The textbook used for this class is Signs of Life in the USA (Seventh Edition) by Sonia Maasik & Jack Solomon

I don't mind if you are not familiar with the text, as long as you are familiar with the TV Show & Movie and are well versed in Communications as this is for my Communications class

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