College application essay


Dear users, I hope you're all well. I'm a college sophomore willing to transfer to a university abroad. The application deadline is on March 1. I never had time to complete my application before time and I still don't. Now that the deadline is approaching, I'll need your help. I would really appreciate if you could write me two college application essays which I'll provide their subjects to you. I'll send you all what you need to know about myself and the points to discuss throughtout the essays. I've been waiting for 4 years for this oppurtunity and I cant believe I'm tight on time. I've been deep in academics throughout the period and all the time was lost. If you could provide me such help I would owe you forever. I'm offering 400 dollars on the task. I would really appreciate your help. You would make a dream come true. God bless.

P.S Please be aware that a high level of English is needed, a level that would be praised by the readers. You could choose to do one essay for half the promised pay. Each essay should be about 2 pages.


Essay 1 topic:

The statement of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that you feel could add value to your application. You may also want to explain unique aspects of your academic background or valued experiences you may have had that relate to your academic discipline. The statement of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high school or a record of your participation in school-related activities. Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admission committee directly and to let us know more about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcripts and the other application information cannot convey.

Essay 2 topic:

Choose an issue of importance to you – the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope – and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.

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