

presentation PowerPoint 

big idea : water  


1.Group Assignment Cover Sheet (With official name and English name)
2. Title page
3.Why STEM in the early years is important?
4.What are the skills does STEM learning provide for children?
5.Can parents support children’s STEM learning journey? How?
6.Introduction of your activity→ Big idea mapping
7.Using EDP or Scientific Inquiry
8.Materials list ( can be found at home)

9. How parents model inquiry throughout the process? Demonstrate when to ask what to ask?

10. New vocab children can engage throughout this activity

11. Parent checklist: How children’s achieve the learning outcome by the 4C: creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration

12. Concept that connect to daily life

13. Parents Tips: safety, highlight and reflection

14. Extended activity (family outdoor activity, story books that can be relevant to it)

15. Reference (accessible links)

Based on the 5Rs processes to promote family engagement in the STEM learning (Caspe, 2019) in order to develop a science and math parents and child kit. 

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs): D ,E

  • Demonstrate competence in observing and assessing children’s early mathematics and/or  scientific learning through play and everyday activities.
  • Discuss children’s use of technology to promote early learning and differentiate appropriate use of technology with children.
  • </ol>

    In this group assignment, you will have to form into a group of maximum of 5, to come up with a developmentally appropriate and meaningful Science or Math Kit for young children. Your group will also need to present the rationale for designing the learning kit based on theoretical perspectives and developmental milestones for young children. The learning kit has to be age-appropriate and engaging, the instructions provided for both parents and children need to be indicated clearly. The groups will also need to take into consideration that the mathematics activity is appropriate to another age group with clear objectives and procedures.

    The group assignment should include:

    1. The rationale and learning objectives are appropriate, meaningful, clear and well reflected in the materials provided

    2. Mathematics and/ or science concepts/ skills are appropriate, relevant, and meaningful for children’s learning

    3. Parental engagement strategies and inquiry approach can be included in the presentation.

    4. The adaption of the game is appropriate to another age group with clear objectives and procedures

    5. The presentation is carried out in a clear and logical manner with equal talking points for each member. The learning Kit should use safe, durable, and flexible materials.








    Age appropriate to early  STEM learning



    The rationale and learning objectives are appropriate, meaningful, clear and well reflected in the learning kit.


    Mathematics and science concepts/skills are appropriate, relevant and meaningful for the selected age group.

    The instructions / procedures for both parents and children are clearly stated and presented at all time

    The materials are safe, durable and flexible at all time. 

    The adaptation of the game is appropriate to another age group with clear objectives and procedures.


    The rationale and learning objectives are appropriate, clear and well reflected in the Kit most of the time.

    Early Years concepts/skills are mostly appropriate and relevant for the selected age group.

    The instructions / procedures for both parents and children are mostly clearly stated and presented.

    The materials are mostly safe, durable and flexible.

    The adaption of the game is mostly appropriate to another age group with clear objectives and procedures.

    The rationale and learning objectives are somewhat appropriate, clear and reflected in the Maths Kit.


    Mathematics concepts/skills are somewhat appropriate and relevant for the selected age group.


    The instructions / procedures for both parents and children are somewhat clearly stated and presented.


    The materials are somewhat safe, durable and flexible.


    The adaption of the game is somewhat appropriate to another age group with clear objectives and procedures.

    The rationale and learning objectives are not very appropriate, clear and reflected in the Maths Kit.

    Mathematics concepts/skills are mostly inappropriate and irrelevant for the selected age group.

    The instructions / procedures for both parents and children are mostly unclearly stated and presented.

    The materials are mostly unsafe, not durable and flexible.

    The adaption of the game is inappropriate to another age group with unclear objectives and procedures.

    The rationale and learning objectives are consistently inappropriate and not clear reflected in the Maths Kit.

    Mathematics concepts/skills are inappropriate and irrelevant for the selected age group.

    The instructions / procedures for both parents and children are consistently unclear and not stated and presented.

    The materials are totally unsafe, not durable and flexible at all.

    The adaption of the game is totally inappropriate to another age group with unclear objectives and procedures.

    Integration of technology

    Outstanding discussion of the use of technology to promote early years learning.


    Strategies supported to integrate activities through online platforms are mentioned.



    Good understanding of the use of technology to promote early years learning

    Fair understanding of the use of technology to primitive early years learning

    Two or less items mentioned regarding the use of technology in supporting learning

    The use of technology is not mentioned in the assignment.

    Presentation Skills


    All presenters knew the information, participated equally, and helped each other as needed. 


    Extremely well-prepared and rehearsed; regular/constant eye contact.


    The audience was engaged, and presenters held the audience’s attention.


    Professional approach with appropriate speaking volume & body language.

    Slight domination of one presenter; members helped each other; very well prepared.


    Most members spoke to majority of audience; steady eye contact.

    The audience was engaged by the presentation.


    Majority of presenters spoke at a suitable volume. Some fidgeting by member(s).

    Significant controlling by certain members with some minimally contributing; primarily prepared but with some dependence on just reading off slides.


    Satisfactory focus on the audience; irregular eye contact by one or more presenters in the group.


    The audience was distracted at times.


    Speakers’ voices need to be more practised/attention paid to volume; body language was distracting

    Unbalanced presentation or tension resulting from over-helping; multiple group members not participating; evident lack of preparation/ rehearsal; dependence on slides.


    Minimal eye contact by more than one member / focusing on small part of audience.


    The audience was not engaged.


    Majority of presenters spoke too quickly or quietly making it difficult to understand; inappropriate body language.

    Very unbalanced presentation; clear inequality in delivery; very evident lack of practice; overly dependent on slides.


    Very poor eye contact by most of the group members. 


    The audience was not engaged or interested throughout most of the presentation. 


    Presenters displayed disinterested body language; vocal skills and voice projection are in need of major attention

    Layout, Citations and Writing Mechanics  of Slides


    There are no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.  


    Slide information is clear and concise as well as consistently visually appealing/engaging.


    Excellent APA referencing

    There are few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. 


    Too much information on slides at times. Overall good visual appeal. 


    Good attempt at APA referencing

    There are some errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. 


    Too much information on most slides.  

    Satisfactory visual appeal. 

    Satisfactory attempt at APA referencing.

    There are many errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Slides overloaded with information.


    Minimal effort made to make slides appealing or too cluttered.

    Marginal attempt at APA referencing – errors need serious attention.

    There are excessive errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. 


    The slides were difficult to read and too much information had been copied onto them. No visual appeal.

    Minimal or no attempt at APA Referencing

    Parents engagement element


    The parents and child kit  displayed careful thought to the 5R processes to promote family engagement in STEM learning. It is carried out in a clear and logical manner at all times.

    The parents and child kit  displayed all the elements of 5R processes to promote family engagement in STEM learning. It is carried out in a clear and logical manner at all times.

    The parents and child kit displayed  some of the elements 5R processes to promote family engagement in STEM learning.

    The parents and child kit displayed  some of the elements 5R processes to promote family engagement in STEM learning. It is mostly unclear and illogical.


    The parents and child kit displayed  a little  of the elements 5R processes to promote family engagement in STEM learning. It is unclear and illogical all the time.

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