bullying and substance abuse



 Bullying is a common form of abuse experienced and inflicted by children and teens.  Bullying can take place in face-to-face contexts like school, or it can take place online (cyberbullying).  In this forum, you will do two things--first, you will explore and report on the links between bullying perpetration (being a bully) and substance abuse or the links between bullying victimization and substance abuse.  Second, assuming that your community has limited resources, you will indicate which of these two relationships is the most important to research and treat--bullies and their misuse of substances OR bullying victims and their misuse of substances.  Be sure to explain WHY you chose as you did--be sure to provide evidence-based reasons. 

Please use at least two of the following sources in your posts.  You should find and use at least one more source in your posts. Make sure that you interpret all articles for yourself--do not rely on AI.

Arcadepani, F. B., Eskenazi, D. Y., Fidalgo, T. M., & Hong, J. S. (2021). An exploration of the link between bullying perpetration and substance use: A review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 22(1), 207-214. https://doi.org/10.1177/1524838019837593<span class="external_link_icon" role="presentation"></span>

<span class="screenreader-only">Links to an external site.</span>

PDF available for download

Kritsotakis, George, PhD,M.A., R.N., Papanikolaou, Maria,M.P.H., B.S.W., Androulakis, Emmanouil,PhD., M.Sc, & Philalithis, Anastas E, MD, PhD,M.B.B.S., A.K.C. (2017). Associations of Bullying and Cyberbullying With Substance Use and Sexual Risk Taking in Young Adults. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49(4), 360-370. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnu.12299<span class="external_link_icon" role="presentation"></span>

<span class="screenreader-only">Links to an external site.</span>   https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/associations-bullying-cyberbullying-with/docview/1919407688/se-2?accountid=45782<span class="external_link_icon" role="presentation"></span>

<span class="screenreader-only">Links to an external site.</span>


Livingston, J. A., Derrick, J. L., Wang, W., Testa, M., Nickerson, A. B., Espelage, D. L., & Miller, K. E. (2019). Proximal associations among bullying, mood, and substance use: A daily report study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(9), 2558-2571. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-018-1109-1<span class="external_link_icon" role="presentation"></span>

<span class="screenreader-only">Links to an external site.</span> https://www.proquest.com/docview/2040397974?accountid=45782&pq-origsite=primo&forcedol=true<span class="external_link_icon" role="presentation"></span>

<span class="screenreader-only">Links to an external site.</span>


Sharp, A., Young, M. S., & Moore, K. A. (2019). Relationship between substance use, bullying, and other delinquent behaviors among high school students: a secondary analysis of the Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 46, 570-585. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11414-019-09649-5

PDF available for download.



This includes Addiction Centers of America, Recovery Village, Summa Health, Rock Recovery, Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, The National Harm Reduction Coalition, Volken, and others. 

It is extremely important that college students in a Human Service program know how to evaluate the quality of information they read. This is a Human Services program outcome, as specified by the National Organization for Human Services, and the Standards for Human Services Education. 

  Please do not share firsthand experiences with addiction or substance abuse in our forums.   Note: You will not see your classmates' posts until you post to the discussion. 

Write your post out in Word, and run the spell checker and the grammar checker. 

Do not post everything in one day. 


Before you submit, check to ensure that all language is objective, neutral, and formal. Be sure to cite and reference all assigned and additional sources in your posts using APA style. All posts should be at least 200 words. Be sure to review the resources for this module before you post. You may wish to use one or more as a source for your posts.

<h2></h2> <h2>Submission</h2>

 All language should be objective, neutral, and formal. Be sure to cite and reference all three sources in your posts using APA style. All posts should be at least 200 words. Be sure to review and use the resources for this module before you post. 

Please do not share firsthand experiences with addiction or substance abuse in our forums.   

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