Welcome to the dynamic world of crit Question

Welcome to the dynamic world of critical thinking and research evaluation! To kick-start our exploration, we're diving into an intriguing scenario from the Netflix show "100 Humans," Season 1, Episode 3, minutes 1:15 to 2:54. This exercise will ignite your analytical skills and introduce the essential concepts of research validity. We aim to break down and understand the video scenario methodically. This process is designed to help you grasp research claims without getting tangled in complex terms. Here's how we'll do it:
Your participation in this discussion includes the following:
An Introduction Post that responds to the prompts below (Click the Reply button below to create a discussion post).
You may choose to respond with text and a photo or a video. Instructions are provided for both options.
Replies to at least two of your classmates.
Step 1: Setting the Scene
Imagine people blowing up balloons without letting them burst. This leads us to our first question: Can we really figure out "risk-taking" from balloon-popping? Think about what might make the balloons pop.
Step 2: Watching the Videoclip
Watch the video clip – it's our evidence to explore. Begin by watching the specified segment of the Netflix show "100 Humans" (Season 1, Episode 3), ranging from 1:15 to 2:54. The clip presents a challenge where individuals aim to inflate balloons to their maximum capacity without popping.
Start your initial discussion post by discussing what you noticed:
- What stood out in how people acted?
- Did you see differences between how men and women did it?
- Any ideas on why people made the choices they did?
Step 3: Digging into Assumptions
Let's check the ideas behind this scenario. Focus on the assumption that balloon-popping shows "risk-taking." Think and write down the answers to the following:
- The hosts conclude that "women are the bigger risk-takers." How well does the challenge of blowing up balloons measure "risk-taking"?
- Can other things affect whether balloons pop or not? If so - what things would that possibly be?
Step 4: What It All Means
Now, think about the bigger picture from what we saw. Ask yourself and add the answers to your discussion post:
- Consider the statistical difference between the outcomes for women and men (22 out of 50 women versus 19 out of 50 men). Is this difference substantial enough to support the conclusion? Does a small difference between men and women in balloon-popping really prove that women take bigger risks? Why yes or why not?
- Could there be other reasons for what we saw? If yes - what reasons could they be?
- Consider the broader context of the participants. Who are these 100 humans? Do they represent a diverse range of individuals? Consider factors like culture, age, and background that could influence risk-taking behavior.
Step 5: Your Thoughts
Time to reflect on your thoughts about the scenario. Share what you think and what questions you have with your fellow classmates. Discuss your observations, interpretations, and any questions that arose during your analysis. Engage in conversations that delve into the complexities of research claims and the role of critical thinking in evaluating them.
Step 6: Meeting Validity
Wrap up with a quick look at "validity." It's like making sure a thermometer measures the temperature right. In research, it's about making sure methods show what they're supposed to. Does the study showcased in the video measure what it claims to measure? In other words - is it valid? How does this scenario highlight the four major types of validity: internal, external, construct, and statistical?
- Contribute substantively and thoughtfully to the discussion, addressing the key points mentioned above.
- Encourage constructive discussions by responding to your peers' comments, sharing additional perspectives, and asking insightful follow-up questions.
- This discussion sets the foundation for our journey into research methods and critical evaluation. Embrace the opportunity to learn from one another's viewpoints.
***Video Clip is attached to Question***
Category: | Psychology |
Offered Price: | $15.00 |
Due Date: | 24 August 2023, 23:08 |
Added: | 24 August 2023, 11:42 |

Answer Price: | 15.00 |
Added: | 24 August 2023, 20:49 |
Words: | 299 words |
Buyers: | 1 person has bought this answer |