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Eating disorders are very common for both men and women. Many reasons are given as causes for eating disorders. Certainly, we cannot ignore the fixation that the United States seems to have on being thin as part of the cause, but there are many other thoughts as to how one develops and maintains an eating disorder. Like other addictions, people with eating disorders become very adept at denying that they have a problem and at hiding their problem from others.
- Go to the OER Website: https://www.oercommons.org/authoring/46663-abnormal-psychology/view
- Read Unit 9 – Eating Disorders
- Read Unit 9 – Eating Disorders
- Go to the OER Website: https://opentext.wsu.edu/abnormal-psych/front-matter/table-of-contents/
- Read Module 10: Eating Disorders
- Read Module 10: Eating Disorders
- Consider the similarities and differences between anorexia and bulimia.
- Prepare a 2 page paper describing each of these disorders. Ensure that you include the following points:
- Description of each disorder.
- Similarities and differences between the two.
- Possible treatment options for each.
- Challenges of treating people with eating disorders.
- Support your writing with at least two academic sources.
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