This final project is intended for you to bring all you have learned in the course and apply it to a single topic. This is not a group project and should be completed on your own.
For this project, you should select a topic and then identify four different historians who wrote about this topic from at least three different decades. You will then read at least one chapter from an author’s book or journal article (e.g., Journal of American History) and compare and contrast the authors and how they engaged in the craft of history.
For an overview of the requirements of the final submission due next week, review WK5 Final Comparison Essay Final Submission.
Week 4 Requirements:
- Select a topic for your essay project from the following list.
- The English-American Colonial Era (1609-1776). You do not need to cover the entire period or all of the colonies. Focus on one colony (e.g., Virginia) or one area (e.g., New England, Mid-Atlantic, etc.) in your analysis.
- American Revolution (1775-1783). Feel free to use American and British historians, but you are not required to use historians from both countries.
- World War I (1914-1919). Focus on only one nation’s experience and one nation’s historians.
- Antebellum Social/Moral Reform or Philanthropy (1776-1865).
- U.S. Economic History (1760-2000). Use articles or books from historians, not economists.
- American Christianity/American Religion (1609-2000). Use historians and not theologians or popular materials written by journalists.
- U.S. Racial/Ethnic History (1900-2000). Focus on twentieth century history and not on work that deals with civil rights/race/ethnicity before 1900.
- Any topic pre-approved by your professor. Permission via email must be specifically given in writing before the end this week.
- Submit your selected topic with a rationale for your selection. Include the following:
- Name the selected topic.
- Why you chose this topic.
- A few facts you already know of this topic.
- Questions you have as you begin your study of this topic.
All written assignments in the history major should be formatted using Chicago Style. For assistance with Chicago Style, please refer exclusively to The Trailblazer Handbook and your professor.