Immune System Project


Edgecombe Community College

BIO 169

Lymphatic/Immune System Project

Fall 2022


Infectious Diseases Pamphlet Project


Your goal is to create an instructional pamphlet or brochure about a selected infectious disease and describe the immune response after infection with the pathogen. The pamphlet must include a description of innate immunity as well as adaptive immunity responses to the disease. Your target population is medical or nursing school students.


Use bullet points or 1-2 sentences.  Include diagrams, photos, art, etc.


Page #1: Title (5 Points)


Include your name


Page #2: Symptoms (5 Points)


  • Facts about symptoms (or associated symptoms) of the disease
  • Facts about the transmission and/or prevalence about the disease
  • Describe the innate immune response.
  • Describe the adaptive immune response.
  • Write a quiz with 10 multiple choice questions


Page #3: Transmission / Prevalence (5 Points)



Page #4: Innate Immune Response (40 Points)



Page #5: Adaptive Immune Response (40 Points)



Page  #6:  Quiz (5 Points)


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