In Chapter 4 Paul, in addressing the church at Phillippi, is specifically addressing church leaders. Let us look at the context. He refers to Euodia, Syntyche, and Clement as “my fellow workers.”
They may have been in conflict with each other, because he tells them to “agree with each other in the Lord.” He also told them in verse 6 not to be anxious, but to pray, and in verse 7 that the peace of God would guard their hearts and minds.
Look at some of the words contained in verse 8:
- True- althetes, loving or speaking the truth.
- Noble- semnos, venerated for character.
- Right- dikaios, righteous in observing God’s commandments.
- Pure- hagnos, free from carnality.
- Lovely- prophiles, acceptable or pleasing.
- Admirable- euphemos, uttering words of good omen.
- Excellent- arête, any particular moral excellence.
- Praiseworthy- epainos, anything commendable.
This is more than “positive confession” or the denial of negative circumstances. It is choosing to occupy one’s mind with those things that are healthy and proactive rather than unhealthy and reactive.
What do you allow to go on in the space between your ears? You know, that four pounds of gray jelly, called a brain, that most complex of all human organs. What do you fantasize about, cogitate over, obsess or daydream about, or worry over. Do the things you think about resemble, in any way, the list above?