Rhetorical Essay / Speech


is this a good rhetorical speech/essay? make needed changes if needed please. rubric added below. needs to be 300 - 450 words


the impact of digital communication on civic engagement: navigating the link between social media and community involvement


the decline in civic engagement and the rise of social media and digital communication are two subjects that have been increasingly linked in recent years. while digital communication has provided new avenues for individuals to stay connected and informed, there is a growing concern that it may also be contributing to a decline in civic engagement and community involvement.


according to robert putnam, a renowned political scientist and author of "bowling alone", "social capital refers to the stocks of active connections among people -- social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them." putnam argues that the decline in social capital, driven by a decline in traditional forms of community involvement such as church attendance, club membership, and political participation, is a major contributor to a decline in civic engagement.


the rise of social media and digital communication has been cited as a major contributor to this decline in social capital. with the increasing availability of digital communication, individuals are spending less time participating in traditional forms of community involvement and are instead relying on social media and other digital platforms to stay connected. this shift has resulted in individuals becoming more isolated and disconnected from their communities, leading to a decline in civic engagement.


in a recent article, author and digital culture expert jaron lanier argues, "the most important thing to understand about social media is that it's a trap. a trap designed to give up your time, creativity and data in exchange for nothing of real value." lanier's argument highlights the ways in which social media and digital communication can be detrimental to civic engagement, as individuals spend more time on these platforms and less time participating in their communities.


however, others argue that social media and digital communication can also be a powerful tool for promoting civic engagement. for example, social media has been used to organize and mobilize communities for political action and to bring attention to important social and political issues.


in conclusion, the decline in civic engagement and the rise of social media and digital communication are complex issues that are linked in multiple ways. while there is no clear-cut answer as to the role that digital communication plays in civic engagement, it is clear that the way in which individuals use digital communication and social media will have a significant impact on the health of our communities and our ability to engage in civic life. as president barack obama stated, "change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. we are the ones we've been waiting for. we are the change that we seek." the choice is ours to use digital communication and social media in a way that promotes civic engagement and strengthens our communities.




grading rubric


rhetorical-essay presentation critique speaker

superior above av. average below av. incomplete


captured attention-
established credibility-
stated thesis-

timely content
timely subject-
sound argumentation-
up-to-date information-
time (2-3 min)-=300-450 words

well written-

camera frame/audio-video
eye contact-
strong voice-
poise/nonverbals-(+ see below)-
nonverbal comm (+ see below)-

clear sense of conclusion-
reviewed thesis-
closed decisively (+ see below)-

(remember to build on your strengths and work on the weaker areas)

common-errors to avoid:
hand in pocket/behind back
shifted side-to-side
voice trailed off at end

time (2-3 min)
score /20

(the essay itself and the presentation are each worth 20 points.)

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