due tomorrow


the mindset necessary to embrace for this objective is we are able to appreciate the historical path of the middle east that has led to the current status of terrorism from that region of the world. since the traditional thought is that terrorism stems from the middle ease this section is meant to focus solely on the historical background for this region of the world and why it is has given rise to so many terrorist organizations. it is important to grasp where islam came from and the various issues that have plagued the middle east for years to begin to comprehend current status of terrorism in this region. finally, look at the history of iran and why it has evolved to be such a big player in the global perspective of terrorism.

write three sentences to each of the questions below.

who was mohammed and how and why did he establish islam? what was the cause of the shi’ite-sunni split and their resulting differences?

what are the significant events in middle eastern history that have led to its current issues? where does the violence stem from in this region? how did israel come to be formed (id the turmoil)?

what role does terrorism play for each of these areas of the middle east including historically and currently (israel, palestine, iran)?

what factors separate iran from the other middle eastern countries? what influenced modern iran? what is the 1979 iranian revolution and what influenced it?

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