The Garden of Earthly Delights Paper
5-7 page paper dissecting the artwork "The Garden of Earthly Delights"
Outline and sources provided. Need someone to type up paper.
Additional information provided below.
The paper's length (as professors always say) should be as long as needed to cover the material,
but, pragmatically speaking, it should be somewhere between 5-7 pages (standard, 12-point,
double-spaced; this does not include inserted illustrations. You should supply photocopies/reproductions of relevant illustrations.
Notes must be supplied with the paper; either footnotes or endnotes are acceptable and should be written in a standard (and consistent) form. Check any good style book or scholarly text for form. Also remember that notes are not only used for citing references; you can also add information that does not fit comfortably into your text but that you feel is of interest and relevance. In any case, DO NOT USE BOTH PARENTHETICAL NOTES AND FOOT/OR
ENDNOTES. Parenthetical citations tend to break up the flow of your text, but in any case
cannot be used to add additional information and are best avoided in this kind of paper.
You MUST also provide a separate bibliography of consulted sources. Do not combine your
notes and your bibliography; the bibliography must be a separate listing of sources that you used.
Remember that sources are listed somewhat differently in notes and in bibliographies; for
example, in bibliographies (but not notes) one lists author by last name first, and only article
citations should include page numbers of the whole article (notes, on the other hand, should give
the specific pages cited). Also remember that after the first note citation, you may use a
shortened form (e.g., Hartt, 2003, 75).
Needless to say, you must use a reasonable variety of sources (avoiding general survey books,
"coffee table" books, popular magazines, and the like), presented in a standard format. All
papers must be printed; please do not use Italics (e.g. Italics) except, if you wish, where
appropriate for bibliographic reference and foreign words (which, of course, may be underlined
in place of Italics).
No more than two online sources; site the website and date that you accessed it.