respond in 75 words due tomorrow
Describe the method of correlational research and how the results differ from measuring cause and effect.
The correlational research method is “asking whether two or more factors are naturally associated” (Myers, 2015, Pg.5). It is also when we understand logic, and that way we can understand everyday social events and issues.
Provide an example (other than the examples used in the reading material) of two variables that may be positively or negatively correlated, but do not imply a cause-and-effect relationship.
“Varying just one or two factors at a time called independent variables- the experimenter pinpoints their influence. Also “the observed aggressive acts we call the dependent variable. Every social psychological experiment has two essential ingredients. We just have considered one- control.” (Myers, 2015, Pg.8).
I found that McMinn talks about “Faith-praxis integration which is primarily ethical. Faith should affect the way we live, including the types of clients we see, the fees we charge, the way we relate to friends and family members, and so on. Also, there is “Experimental integration which has to do with our personal relationship with God, including how we experience God’s presence and healing in our daily lives.” (McMinn, 2011, Pg.29)
Explore implications of confusing correlation and causation as it relates to societal attitudes and viewpoints.
“Correlational research allows us to predict, but it cannot tell us whether changing one variable (such as social status) will cause changes in another (such as health).” “Knowing that two variables change together (correlate) enables us to predict one when we know the other, but correlation does not specify cause and effect.” (Myers, 2015, Pg.7).
Myers, D. (2015). Exploring Social Psychology, (7th Edition). McGraw Hill Education.
McMinn, M. (2011). Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Revised and updated. Tyndale House Publishers Carol Stream, IL