Annotated Bibliography (TOPIC IS Science Fiction. SCI-FI)


  • Create an annotated bibliography of at least 5-7 sources you have found in your research. For each source, please summarize the source and then explain how the source connects to your research. Finally, when explaining how each source connects to the research, include at least one important quote or paraphrase from the source. Entries should be 200+ words each.
    • 3+ sources from our library databases and/or reserve collections (books, magazines, etc)
    • 2+ sources you have found from the open internet (ie: things you've found through Google!)
    • For all sources do a brief CRAAP evaluation - describe how you know the articles are authoritative and written by experts.
    •  Do a Works Cited page. (There is a good sample paper

       Links to an external MLA style here at Purdue's MLA site, look at the last page for directions on how to format it.)

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