Amsterdam Schiphol airport

Amsterdam Schiphol airport is an international airport in Netherland. In the Schiphol airport operation, the following data might be needed for the baggage handling process.
Baggage: BaggageID, PassengerID, Height, Depth, Width, Weight
Passenger: PassengerID, FirstName, LastName, Address, Nationality, BaggageID, FlightNumber
Flight: FlightNumber, DepartureAirport, DestinationAirport, Manufacturer, DepartureTime, ArrivalTime, SeatCapacity, PercentBooked
a.From the above data structure, assign Primary keys by marking them with underlines, and Foreign keys by italic letters.
b.Using the above data structure, explain how the computer will find the destination airport and departure time for a given baggage. The explanation requires the concept of the Primary key and Foreign key.
c.In the baggage handling operation, we may think two more data items, Staff, SpecialTask, to give a special task assignment to baggage handling staff, in the case a special situation like airport delay from the inclement weather. Provide the data fields (or elements) for the data items, Staff and SpecialTask similar to the above examples for Baggage, Passenger, and Flight data items.