Objective: Analyze the proper way to process a crime scene.
Welcome to actually processing a crime scene. This is where we get into the nuts and bolts of what, how, why, when, where, and most importantly who. Learn some of the ideal characteristics for an investigator, how to initially respond to the scene, take notes, write formal incident reports, collect and process evidence for submission to the laboratory or evidence locker, and take the correct precautions. Familiarize yourself with being able to sketch a crime scene with forensic mapping and correctly photograph necessary parts and areas of the scene. Understand that your case can be and likely will be won or lost by how well you investigate the scene to determine what follow-up is needed, whom to interview, and what evidence is vita
- Describe the five fundamental rules an investigator must abide by at any crime scene.
- For each explain why it is important and how to apply it at the scene.