jc discussion 2

discussions are only 200 words!!!!
We continue to consider the marriage and family thought of our authors, Professors Riggs and Tweedell. In these next three chapters, we will be considering the following.
- Time, Energy, and Money: Managing Family Resources
- Cultural Variations in Marriage and Family
- Conflict in Families
As we move through these chapters, understand that our goal is to view each of these important issues through the lens of Scripture. Thus, you will no doubt encounter thought in the text that may counter what we experience in popular culture. That said, please remember that our primary lens for these issues is Scripture rather than the changing values of popular cultur
- Prepare to discuss at least 3 concepts that could be applied in your family setting. Support your statements with the text.
Support your work with scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. Quoting or paraphrasing from any source in discussion posts requires APA format by including an in-text citation and listing the reference at the end of the post.