JC week 1 devotional


Psalm 139:23-24
This was written by King David, the consummate Renaissance Man of the Old Testament.  This phrase is not used much in today’s culture of specialization, but it is used of those who do a number of things well.  That was David - son; brother; shepherd; killer of lions, bears and Goliath; musician; poet; warrior; servant to King Saul; and ultimately, King of all Israel.
Other than perhaps Moses, there is no greater leader in the Old Testament.  That said, David also has a few serious flaws.  He was an adulterer and a murderer (read the full story in 2 Samuel 11-12). 
How could a man who wrote large portions of Psalms, a king, and a man after God’s own heart (see Acts 13.22) do these things?  Quite simply, as Dr. Richard D. Dobbins put it, “there is good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us.” 
This week, we look at biblical manhood.  What does it take to grow a man with the following characteristics? - kind, gentle, sensitive, strong, masculine, humble, patient, godly… It takes nothing less than that man laying himself before God, on a daily basis, in complete surrender to the Lordship of Christ in every area of his life - marriage, fatherhood, sexuality, vocation, emotions, etc.
If you are a man reading this just now, reread the italicized lines just above.  Evaluate yourself honestly.  Are you laying yourself before God, on a daily basis, in complete surrender to the Lordship of Christ in every area of your life?  If you are female and reading this, are the important men in your life (father, boyfriend, husband, son) doing this?  Be honest with yourself as you ask this question.
As a man, chances are, you either have, or will, fail.  When you do, run to Jesus, lay yourself at His feet, confess, repent, and then ask Him to help you reestablish healthy boundaries, and then get up, and walk in the forgiveness and help of Jesus Himself, knowing that He loves you, and wants to use you in His service. In sum, be a man of honor, for Christ and His Bride, the Church.
Think on these things…

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