JC due monday


A clear understanding of the biblical creation story is the foundation of the Christian Faith.  Without this vital piece of the story, nothing in the rest of the story makes sense.  What is so important about mankind in the creation narrative?  What is mankind’s responsibility before God in regard to His creation?  Why is the fall of man into sin such a catastrophe?  These questions, and many more, are answered in view of the biblical account of creation.

  • Write a double spaced paragraph response to each of the questions provided below.
    • In each successive step of creation, God declared, “It is good.”  What does He mean by that?
    • After creating mankind, God said, “It is very good.”  How and why is this different than previous comments?  What makes man so special?
    • Explain from these biblical texts what it means to be “in the image of God.”
    • As representatives of God on earth, mankind is given what is called the “cultural mandate.”  What responsibilities does mankind have according to these passages?  What is the mandate?
    • Support your work with Scholarly academic resources using APA format.

Support your work with scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided.  Use of APA format is required.

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