RC week 2 cival discussion

Objective: examine the formal steps of civil procedure.
Before you can understand how civil litigation truly works you must know the steps of civil procedure for the system. While these vary from federal to state, in general, there are certain mandatory steps that must be followed. It is also imperative to know the various options available to resolve civil litigation and the specific nuances for resolving tort cases.
- In your discussion post, consider and respond to the following:
- An imaginary person named Mr. or Ms. Y needs to file a lawsuit in your county rowan county kentucky Describe the reason for the lawsuit.
- Describe the steps that Mr. or Ms. Y must go through
- Sometimes, Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) is required; is arbitration or community court a good option for Mr. or Ms. Z?
- One type of ADR is paid civil mediation. This is not government-sponsored, and the mediators are not volunteers. If the judge gives Mr. or Ms. Z this option, will they take it or skip it?
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