JS week 2 essay
Objective: Examine best practices, pertinent legislation, ethical and professional issues associated with case management services.
Clients are impacted by the various systems around them. They are impacted by those closest to them to society itself. Case managers must be aware of and sensitive to the influences surrounding clients. Each person has a unique biography that shapes and molds who they are today. For those individuals who may have mental health or behavioral issues, these systems will be critical to their overall treatment strategy. Individuals who have suffered trauma or abuse may also benefit from recognizing how their surroundings and interactions with others has shaped them.
Example: A client who has a substance abuse problem may have endured abuse or neglect at the hands of family members during their early childhood. Sensitivity to how their micro system has shaped this person’s thoughts, behavior, and self-concept is important. Helping professionals can coordinate treatment plans that will help addicts overcome triggers and negative self-speech.
- Read Ecological systems theory
- Write a 1 page double spaced, reflection paper of how each system (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem) has shaped who you are today.
- As helping professionals, we must first be able to identify how systems theory has shaped us before we can apply this theory to others.
- Be sure to include a brief introduction and conclusion to this paper.