Data Mining
You have to write a comprehensive report of 1500 words about your findings. The report should
include the following:
1. Attributes, their types and summarized properties.
2. List of most correlated attributes.
3. The analysis of your findings (using charts or operators). For example, you may find a negative
correlation between the water quality and water quantity (good quality, less quantity), that means the
water consumption of a good quality water is high. What are the properties of the functional pumps?...
And a lot of many other analyses. The more creative you work is, the more you will learn, and the
better grade you will get. The findings of this part should be descriptive supported by charts or images.
4. Report about the preprocessing tasks realized such as number of missing values, replacing missing
values using “Replace Missing Values” operator vs. “Impute Missing Values” operator. Which operator
produces better results? Why? Provide your initial results and explain them. At this point, the quality
of your results is not important but your understanding of the results is.