

 Illustrate knowledge of both sides of a selected issue.

The goal of this activity is to appreciate that each side of a controversial topic has valid aspects. A Venn diagram is a way of graphically representing two sides of an issue.

  • Prepare a Venn diagram that illustrates two opposing perspectives of the controversial issue you chose for your research paper with the common points provided in the overlapping middle section.
  • Provide 3-5 phrases in the large circles on the right and left. Note: the template for creating a Venn diagram is under the Smart Art drop down under the Insert tab in MS Word.
  • An example of a diagram that illustrates the differing views on euthanasia or physician assisted suicide is provided below.

Venn Diagram - left="People deserve to die with dignity." Left="Only God has the right to grant life or death." Middle="Preferable to die with least possible pain/discomfort"

All written assignments should be formatted using APA. For the current OCU APA Template, click the Student Toolkit in the top navigation bar and view the APA: Citation and Formatting Help page.

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