discussion 200 words
Explain why prevention of mental health and drug and alcohol disorders is necessary as part of a continuum of care.
The goal of this activity is to share why prevention practices in the delivery of human services creates advantages in dealing with disorders. Think about how much pain and suffering – not just for individuals, but for family, friends, and community – can be prevented or alleviated greatly if they do not occur at all.
- Read the article titled Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
- Prepare to share in discussion on the following points:
- Summarize how prevention practices can impact one’s mental and physical health.
- Share any personal stories you or loved ones may have experienced which either was or could have been impacted positively by prevention practices.
- How is prevention supported by scripture? Please share a scripture and explain how this relates to this week’s topic.
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