Discussion--Race and Gender


Ideas of racial mixing differed from region to region. In Latin America, initial goals of bringing Europeans to "whiten" the population gave way to a glorification of the indigenous and mixed-race past.  In the United States, race-mixing was illegal in many states.  In addition, masculinity in both areas was closely bound up with racial hierarchies.


Describe how celebrations of indigenousness and mixed-race heritage helped to validate Latin American nations. How did these conceptions leave out Africans?  In what ways did concern over masculinity express itself in discussions of American society and culture and how did race enter into these discussions?  Do we still see these same phenomena today?


Your response must be a minimum of two paragraphs long (make sure you are using paragraphs correctly (Links to an external site.)) and include parenthetical citations (Links to an external site.).  Make sure that you are providing several examples from the videos and your readings. 


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  • Do not plagiarize--put ideas into your own words.  
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