case of laura RC


Objective: Analyze a case study and make appropriate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Learning how to make appropriate diagnoses is key to creating a client’s treatment plan and making recommendations. A client may meet two of the criteria for a disorder but the DSM may state that four criteria are needed for diagnosis, so the clinician cannot use that particular disorder for a diagnosis. One way to learn is to practice using case studies and receiving your instructor’s feedback on your work.

  • Review The Case of Laura: LauraCaseStudy
  • Using the DSM-5 manual, in a 2 page paper address the following:
    • What diagnosis would you assign to Laura? Explain your rationale.
    • What would you say Laura’s main drug of choice is and do you think she will need to be placed in a detox unit?
    • Based on Laura’s emotional situation and the medications she is taking, what if any dangers do you need to be aware of?
    • What possible co-occurring issue(s) might Laura have and how would you do to confirm this possibility.
    • Are there any other issues that you feel may need to be addressed in this case?
    • Finally, what treatment recommendations would you make for Laura and why?
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