English assignment 6


Write a cause-effect essay on just one of the suggested topics below. 

Suggested Topics

  • The cause and effect of an environmental issue
  • The cause and effect of a decision you have made
  • The cause and effect of a demographic change with which you are familiar
  • One of the cause-effect essay topics given in The Canadian Writer’s Workplace
  • A topic of your choice


  • Is the topic suitable for a cause-effect essay?
  • Is there is a clear cause-effect relationship? Be sure not to confuse coincidence (correlation) with causality.
  • Is the cause-effect relationship direct? In other words, does A lead directly to B? Try to avoid complex relationships like A leading to B, which in turn leads to C and finally results in D.
  • Does the thesis clearly state the cause-effect relationship and whether you are focussing on causes or effects?
  • Have you ensured that the cause-effect link has been made explicit?
  • Does each paragraph include a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph? This is usually one of the effects of a cause or one of the causes of an effect.
  • Have you provided appropriate evidence and enough details to support and develop your point?
  • Have you inserted transitions that make the relationship between cause and effect apparent?
  • Have you summarized your claims in the concluding paragraph?

If your essay is too long, try to narrow the thesis statement so it does not cover as much. Likewise, if your essay is too short, consider broadening the thesis statement so it encompasses more. You may also narrow or broaden your topic sentences so they cover two or more related points. Remember that a body paragraph is usually six to eight sentences long.

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