English assiginment 2


Write one paragraph using deductive organization. You may choose your own topic for this paragraph or choose one of the suggested topics below. This is a compulsory assignment.

Additional Information

If you have more than six to eight sentences, consider limiting (restricting) your topic in some way or think about effective ways to combine short sentences into more complex and interesting longer sentences.

Suggested Topics

  • Description: a favourite room, a treasured possession, a pet, an ideal vacation spot, a special memory, etc.
  • Definition: the best/worst job, ideal friendship, success, etc.
  • Classification: three annoying types of customers/teachers/family members, three ways to choose a vacation spot, three kinds of sports, etc.
  • Causes: reasons for injuries in particular sports, reasons why a small business succeeds or fails, reasons why it is hard to combine work and school, etc.
  • Effects: effects of a natural disaster on a community, effects of a disease on members of a family, effects of unemployment on a family or community, etc.

Look ahead to Chapters 26, 29, 30, and 31 in The Canadian Writer’s Workplace for information on how to write paragraphs using these specific methods of paragraph development. (That's if you want to read the book)

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