week 3 discussion


Paul’s return trip through previously visited cities grew to include a number of additional locations and many more miles of travel. We will discover how and why this trip was extended, who the major players were, and the inclusion of Timothy – one of Paul’s most faithful and beloved companions.

Prepare to share your insights, and respond to others, regarding Paul’s Second Missionary Journey. Be sure to look into the Book of Acts and provide text references for your insights. Your insights and questions from McRay would also be appropriate. Ensure the following points are addressed.
What prompted the argument between Paul and Barnabas? What happened?
What do we know of Barnabas after his split with Paul?
What happened that caused Paul to go to Macedonia?
The text in Acts 16 (see verses10-14) changes to using the plural “we.” Who joined Paul? What was their relationship?
As Paul entered each city and taught, there was often a negative response. Why?
Many churches today try to emulate Paul’s tactics on Mars Hill. Do you think that the modern approaches are the same? Why or why not?
Paul found some co-workers in Corinth. Who were they and what did they do? Why was this separate work important? How was Paul able to step away from his work and focus solely on preaching?
Support your work with scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. Quoting or paraphrasing from any source in discussion posts requires APA format by including an in-text citation and listing the reference at the end of the post.

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