
You have been asked to play the role of a Supply Chain Consultant. Your client (Oreo Products Inc.) needs your help. Oreo Product Inc. is a newer company – in the 8 years of its life they have seen growth but not like this! There finished product (10 individual finish goods) helps charge electric vehicles of all types -under 1 hour. Within their manufacturing process they receive approx. 60% of their raw material from China, 15% from the United States and the rest of goods coming from Canada. The manufacturing is done in Vancouver. Up until now they have been able to keep up with demand. They will be moving to a new facility within Vancouver next year. Logistics has been crazy. All orders are shipped directly to the customers. There 3 main customers are: The Electric store, We Charge it and Power It Up. The last 2 customers have been expanding like crazy! They now have stores world wide! All customers have distribution centers. Within North America there is a total of 25 Dcs: 15 are located on the East coast, 1 in Mexico and the rest on the West Coast. There are 5 DCs serving all the customers in Europe. The final 3 are in Japan, Australia and Vietnam.
The client needs your help with organizing/suggesting technologies for their new facility along with continue customer service to all their customers.
Provide a proposal which should have the following:
- Suggestions for providing good customer service
- Suggestion for logistics