discussion board
Social media is a growing part of our culture. From texting to Facebook to Instagram to Snapchat, social media influences our culture. As Christians we have to decide how we are going to engage in social media. Do we hide from it? If we do participate, what are the guiding principles that we should consider?
Read “5 Do’s and Don’t for Christians on Social Media” at Five Do's and Don'ts for Christians On Social Media
Discuss the following points related to this topic:
What are your thoughts about the article?
What is your use of social media?
What are some ways social media be redeemed for Christ?
Support your work with the article, and any other scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or sources you find. Quoting or paraphrasing from any source in discussion posts requires APA format by including an in-text citation and listing the reference at the end of the post.