Data Science \ MIPS Instruction Set
Given the following code in a higher-level language. Convert it into MIPS code. Please assume that a is stored in register $s0, b is stored in register $s1, c is stored in register $s2, d is stored in register $s3 and e are stored in register $s4. Starting address of memory location A is stored in register $s7.
You may only use the following instructions:
add $s1,$s2,$s3
sub $s1,$s2,$s3
addi $s1,$s2,const
lw $s1,const($s2)
sw $s1,const($s2)
sll $s1,$s2,shft
srl $s1,$s2,shft
bne $s3, $s4, label
beq $s3, $s4, label
j label
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