Case Study 1 – China…Where Does It All Lead?
Arguably the most significant factor in the future of global economic development is China and its struggles with continuing to integrate harmoniously into the world economy.
Start your understanding of this critical global economic situation by reviewing the two case studies, “Donald Trump on Trade. “Is China Dumping Excess Steel Production?
Using the Journal of International Business Policy (2019) Perspective titled “China’s intellectual property rights provocation: A political economy view” provided as a starting point and adding a minimum of 3 additional peer reviewed sources, provide your assessment of China currently as a global economic partner, how you believe China will behave in the future, and whether you, as a CEO would invest in manufacturing and/or sales in China in the future.
A good paper will use the concepts studied to date to frame up your submission.
As with all Case Studies this requires a minimum of 2,000 words or 8 pages.