There are many difference between memorization, manuscript, impromptu, and extemporaneous presentations. Memorization is when the speaker chooses to remember their speech from their own memory. Memorization is a direct way to get the speech across. Impromptu presentation is when you say just a few words and you were most likely asked to give a speech last minute. Manuscript presentation is when you are reading a word for word script( example: actors, actresses..etc) . Extemporaneous is when you carefully plan a speech that is going to be controversial and is most likely written from brief notes. I've been to a public speaking event as a teenager. When i was 17 years old i went on a youth trip with my church. We had a speaker and he spoke directly from memory. I felt that speaking from memory was the best approach to a bunch of teenagers. When speaking from experience i felt that was a connection between speaker and young adults. I think the speaker chose to speak from memory because he has spoke at many events and used his communication and experience.
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The difference between these four memorization presentations is a spokesperson who memorizes the presentation from the beginning to the end. Manuscript is a type of presentation that will involve music a rhyme that the presenter will involve the public so it can catch their attention. Impromptu presentation is a presenter that does not rehearse and was not preferred to present it was unexpected. I think most people can tell if someone uses impromptu presenting because the public notices everything they do as how they speak or how they stand. Extemporaneous presentation is a short and limited amount for a speaker not prepared enough similar to impromptu. I like to watch informative commercials that famous people present on bulling, drug usage or promoting something. People usually pay more attention to someone famous than just a regular person that is why more and more actors have been doing commercials and advertising. I think it is a great way and it does help because if someone is a fan than they might listen to the persons message. Do you all agree?
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