javascript help needed please. will pay more next time if this is done.


  • Create a simple unit conversion application using JavaScript.
  • Implement the following unit conversions:
    • From Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
    • From Feet to Meters and vice versa.
    • From Inches to Centimeters and vice versa.
    • From Pounds to Kilograms and vice versa.
  • Display a single textbox, and eight buttons for each conversion.
  • Clicking on a button calls the respective JavaScript function to perform the conversion.
    • Make use of unobtrusive JavaScript i.e. functions based.
  • Display the result in a <p> tag below the buttons.
    • The result should be in two decimal places, along with the units.
    • Don’t use any message boxes such as alert() or prompt().
  • Add a button that clears the content of the textbox and the <p> tag, and sets the cursor in the textbox. (Textbox gets the focus).
  • All the JavaScript code should be in a separate file, saved within the scripts folder.
  • Design the layout and appearance of the HTML page by using CSS.
  • CSS should be used to provide a better layout. Use professional design and background, no loud colorful backgrounds please.


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