Using python PART 1: (PSEUDOCODE)Description:Whe


Using python 


When creating “games” it is common for a program to have the element of randomness. For example, in class we created the “Secret Number” guessing game, where the computer generated a random number and the user had to guess a number, the computer then told the user whether the guess was higher or smaller than the correct number.
For your third project, you will be creating your own “Game Room”.  Upon running your program, the user will be asked what game they want to play. There should be at least 2 games that the player should be able to choose from. Upon making their selection, the user will play the game. Once the game is finished, the user should be asked whether they want to play another game.
Your games must contain some element of randomness and make the use of loops (you can either use the for loop or the while loop depending on the situation). Choose from any option below, or create your own game – Please run your idea by me first. 
Rock, Paper, Scissors: the user will choose rock, paper or scissors and play against the computer who will randomly generate one of the 3 as well. Rock beats Scissors. Scissors beats Paper. Paper beats Rock. The first player to a certain amount of points wins.
Dice Rolls: The user rolls a die and so does the computer. The values are compared for the highest. Whoever gets X points, wins.
Once the user is done playing the game they should return to the “Game Room”
Your Task:
For this part of your project, you must write pseudocode explaining the steps that you will take to create the program described above. DO NOT DO ANY PROGRAMMING YET!
Remember that pseudocodes involve absolutely no Python yet. 


Using the pseudocode and the feedback you have received in the first part of this assignment, implement the Game of Chance program. Remember you should allow the user to choose between at least 2 games. Your program should have at least one loop and check at least two conditions (either as part of the loop or in an if-else statement). You also need to use randomization.
Programming Standards:
As discussed in class you should follow the standards below:
1.Adequate commenting and documentation
2.Appropriate use of whitespace. (For example, adding spaces after operators)
3.Correct and consistent indentation
4.Meaningful and descriptive variable names
5.Correct and consistent format for variable names (goodVariable or good_variable)
1.Include your name
2.Provide the filename, and explain the purpose of the file.
Example (appears at the top of the program):

Program body
1.At this point, you don’t need to comment every line. You can write a comment for each major element of your program!


The Python Code is worth 70% of project one, which is broken down into the following:
Commenting and Style-10 points
Menu of game choices-10 points
Random Number Utilization-10 points
Game Logic and correctness-20 points
Loop used effectively; -10 points
If statements used correctly-10 points
Total-70 points

Test your program!!! A program that does not run at all due to errors in syntax will have 20 points deducted

-----------------------------------(JUST NEED THE CODING PART USING PYTHON)----------------------------------------

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