Urban Sociology


Pt 1 (A) Read the article:  Fortress L.A. It is posted in this module.

(B) Refer and pay attention to the professor's explanation of concepts referred to in this assignment.

Answer the Following Questions:

1. From Mike Davis's point of view, what does security and policing look like in Los Angeles? 

2. What is the author telling us about the 'destruction of public space?'

3. Why is the author referring to Los Angeles as the 'Forbidden City?'

4. What does the author teach us about the LAPD?

Pt 2

(A) Read the article:  WEB. It is posted in this module.

(B) Refer and pay attention to the professor's explanation of concepts referred to in this assignment.

Answer the Following Questions:

1. Tell me about the problems encountered in the Seventh Ward in Philadelphia.

2.  What does W.E.B Du Bois write about when he refers to 'The Question of Earning a Living?'

3. How does W.E.B Du Bois define 'color prejudice?'

4. What are the issues and challenges for people as explained in the section entitled 'As to Getting to Work?'

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