Literary Criticism FinalYou will b Question


Literary Criticism Final

You will be analyzing the film, Rear Window.

You will use five of the six critical lens (your choice):

Reader Response

Feminist (gender power dynamic)

Freudian (refer to hand-outs and notes)

Jungian (archetype)

Marxist (class and economic power dynamic)

Deconstruction (intentional vs. unintentional)

Cannot have any detection of AI. After watching(or reading the script of) the film, you will choose five of the seven critical lens in your analysis of the film. For each of the lenses you choose, you will need to write two paragraphs (two paragraphs only) analyzing the film. Each mini essay must include :

• A thesis/central argument.

At least one SPECIFIC incident that supports this kind of analysis (of each chosen lens) and explain your rationale.

A conclusion. 

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