1 page essay

Write an Essay responding to Page 12-16.
Each response essay must include a “Works Cited” section. If you don’t have a “Works Cited” section
or if your “Works Cited” section is not close to what I describe both here in the syllabus and in more detail
in the items of the first homework (see above under the heading “Homework”), the highest grade you can
get for your response essay will be a D (that is, 65%).
The “Works Cited” section is just an exercise, but you will be graded for it. As an exercise, the “Works
Cited” section must cite two scholarly articles from scholarly journals (not books, not book reviews, not
book chapters, not newspaper, newsletter, or magazine articles, etc.) on topics related to the topic of your
essay. The articles must be found using scholarly databases such as JSTOR, Academic Search Complete
or some other scholarly source through the Lehman College library. If you can’t access the library at the
beginning of the term, just go directly to jstor.org to look up articles (but don’t pay any money for anything
there: your being a student at Lehman entitles you to access jstor.org and many other important databases
full of scholarship without paying anything additional). The citations must be written out in accordance
to a standard style guide. It’s easy to do this, and it is completely explained in the document “Citing
scholarly work” (this document is linked to from Welcome Page on Blackboard) and in the video “How To
Create a Works Cited Section”. The articles must be related to the topic of your response essay. You are not
required to read these articles at all or to quote from them in your actual essay since this is just a weekly
exercise in finding and citing scholarly articles in a “Works Cited” section, a skill that all scholars and
professionals learn. You are only required to identify and create bibliography (“Works Cited”) entries for
these articles. You do have to look at each article enough to see that it is indeed relevant to your responseessay topic, which will mean, to the aspect of the class reading (or whatever) for that week that you have
chosen to respond to. Often you can tell from an article’s title or its “abstract” whether it is relevant to your
topic or not.
The response essays must be double-spaced, in 12pt, Times New Roman font, with 1′′ margins all
around. Your name and the date should be at the top of the essay on a single line, as well as an indication of
which response essay it is, for example Essay #1, Essay #2, Essay #3, etc. A title is optional, but if you have
one, it should fit on the first line with your name, date, etc. The rest of the page should be your essay. Each
response essay must be handed in on the day it is due by submitting it as a PDF file on Blackboard.