Macroeconomics paper


I need someone to complete my homework with these instructions: 

1. Summarize the two economic issues and document why it is considered an issue.

2. Use up-to-date DATA to illustrate issue. Data should be displayed w/ single decimal place.
3. Use critical thinking to analyze the issue using economic concepts and theory learned in our
4. Present two policy recommendations based on this issue
5. Use additional references to back up your arguments
6. Include at least one graph (supply and demand, AS/AD, Aggregate Expenditure) developed in
the course to illustrate the impact on economy of your recommendation to address the issue.
Supporting charts and tables are also encouraged.
7. Use clear and effective writing in your presentation.

Possible concepts include (this list is not exhaustive. If you have a particular topic in mind, please reach out):

• Addressing consequences of Covid-19
• Economic growth/expansion
• Taxation
• Government spending
• Labor market, wages, and income inequality
• Poverty and public policy
• International trade

Your paper should:
• be a total of 4-5 pages, double-spaced, not including cover sheet or bibliography. Font: Times Roman 12. Use a cover sheet and include Running Head w/ your Name.
• include a bibliography with at least three references, presented in MLA our APA style,

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