dis 4


Part 1 


First, review the following examples of cover letters:

Choose one letter from each group for this discussion.

Write a paragraph comparing the two letters in terms of effectiveness. Try to illustrate your comparison with specific examples from the cover letters you are comparing, including explaining the function and significance of each cover letter within its business context.

Some things to consider and comment on in your post:

  • Function and significance of the letter within its business context
  • Evidence of professionalism and effort invested in preparing the letter
  • Informative content with emphasis on relevant qualifications, experiences, and skills
  • Understanding of and interest in the specific position and the company or organization
  • Appropriate level of formality
  • Correct spelling and grammar

Part 2 


Note: For this assignment, please avoid sharing any sensitive information you would prefer to keep private. For example, the omission of company names is acceptable and will not impact your grade.

To complete this discussion:

  • Begin by reviewing a cover letter that you have written in the past. If you do not have a cover letter to use, please draft a version now. It will be time well spent!
  • Write a paragraph analyzing your cover letter's strengths and weaknesses, using examples to illustrate your points.
  • Next, write a paragraph analyzing how you can use this week’s learnings to revise your cover letter, using examples to illustrate the specific changes you can make and explain the reasoning behind them. If you drafted your cover letter for this assignment, please analyze how this week’s learnings informed your specific choices and explain the reasoning behind them.

In your responses to peers, make sure to note whether you find their revision plans and writing or content choices effective. If not, please suggest alternatives.

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