dis 3



Review the following learning resources prior to beginning this discussion:

Next, use the problem with communication in your workplace or community identified in your Project Proposal. Prepare a discussion post in which you answer the following five questions about that problem:

  • What is the specific problem with communication?
  • Does the problem represent an example of one of the barriers identified in the. Rani and Lumen Learning articles? If so, which one(s)?
  • What are some possible communication strategies in notifying someone about the problem?
  • What is the best course of action for you to take in solving the problem?
  • What is the best way for you to communicate this problem to the relevant individuals?
  • </ol>


    An example of how to respond to this discussion topic appears below:

    <blockquote>1. What is the specific problem with communication? 
    I am on a committee at work. There are five members of the committee. However, three of the members telework two days a week, and, as a result, we can never meet face-to-face. Our meetings are not very productive because some of us are in the room during the meetings while some of us are on the phone during the meetings.
    2. Does the problem represent an example of one of the barriers from the Rani and Lumen Learning articles? If so, which one(s)?
    Yes. This is an example of a channel barrier. The medium chosen for our type of communication—online meeting software—is not suitable or appropriate for our context.
    3. What are some communication strategies in notifying someone about the problem? 
    I could email my supervisor who formed the committee.
    4. What is the best course of action for you to take in solving the problem? 
    Our committee was formed for a specific duration of time. We have two months remaining for our committee.
    I think we should arrange for everyone to be in the office on the same day each week for these two months. We could hold our committee meetings on that day of the week. This arrangement would solve the problem because we would all be physically in the room for the meeting.
    5. What is the best way for you to communicate this problem to the relevant individuals?
    A series of messages would be preferred in this case.
    I could send an email message to my supervisor. In that email message, I would note the following:

    • how many times we have met
    • what types of communication problems have occurred during our meetings that have caused the meetings to be less than productive
    I could then outline a plan for having everyone in the office one day during the week so that we could hold our meetings on that day.</blockquote>

    PART 2

    Review the following learning resources before beginning this discussion:

    Please choose one of the following scenarios and compose an email using the advice offered in this unit’s learning materials. Make sure to address all aspects of the situation mentioned in the scenario you choose.

  • You are a retail store manager. You receive an email containing negative customer feedback regarding an employee's poor service. The customer is citing attitude issues and lack of product knowledge. You respond to the email addressing and empathizing with the customer's concerns, assuring them that their feedback is valued and offering a solution to address their needs effectively.
  • You are a high school teacher. You notice a significant decline in a student’s academic performance. Despite your efforts to support the students, their grades continue to deteriorate. Concerned about the student's well-being and academic progress, you decide to reach out to her parents via email to notify them of the situation. You communicate your observations, express your concerns, and invite them to collaboratively explore strategies to help the student improve her performance.
  • You are a project manager. Your company has recently recognized an employee for his outstanding contributions to an ongoing project. You need to send an email to all staff members congratulating the employee and highlighting his achievements. In addition to publicly acknowledging the employee's efforts, you reinforce the company's values of excellence and teamwork and aim to inspire others to strive for similar levels of dedication and innovation.
  • </ol>

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