

For this week’s report, you will continue working on the company you selected and explain how each of the 4P’s of marketing mix contribute to your company’s marketing strategy.

After reviewing Week 3 and 4’s textbook chapters that cover product, value-pricing, marketing channels, and marketing communications (promotion), write your report explaining how your company addresses these areas. In your report, ensure to address the following items: 

  • Product: Define the product and how it fits the company’s brand.
  • Price: Make an argument for cost-based pricing and value pricing strategy and how it will be the best recommendation for your company.
  • Place: Describe the market placement of your product. This can be integrated into your pricing strategy argument.
  • Promotion: Make recommendations for promotion of your new or existing product.

As in the previous weeks, your report will be in the white paper format (See the samples and the template below). If you need to review the white paper format and structure, please see Week 1’s assignment instructions. Finally, in your report, ensure to meet the following formatting criteria:

  • 4-5 pages (1200-1500 words)
  • List of your sources on the last page
  • At least two visuals (graphics, charts, tables, etc.)

My Company Was Apple

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