In this case there are a few different periodic trends at XXXX. XX you XXXX at the XXXXXXXX table, moving XXXX a row will add a XXXXX XX the atom (getting bigger). However, XXXXXX to XXX XXXXX means the atom is XXXXXXX XXXXXXX. When you move to XXX right, in a row, XXX nucleus XXXX more and more XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXX the XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX closer XX XXX XXXXXX (XXXXXXX smaller). XX XXXX though the XXXX XX XXXXXXX XXXX matter in it, XXX XXXX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX smaller XXXXX its more tightly bound.
When dealing XXXX XXXXXXX, XXXXX can XXX XXXXXXX. In XXXX case, XXX XX XXX XXXXX have XXX XXXX XXXXXX of totalelectrons. Look XX the table and move XXXXXX depending XX XXX charge. (They all XXXX the XXXX number of electrons as Ne ).
XXXX XXX XXXX depends on how the protons XXX XXX XXX XXXX with more protons XXXX be XXXXXXX XX XXX electrons are more XXXXXXX XXXXX.
XXXX: XXX attached XXXXX shows XXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX't ions. XXX ions, consider XXX XXXXX above.