For this, the method used is to iterate though the array with a for loop and collect the max and min.
XXX the attached XXXX XXX an example.
2. The XXXXXX XX XXX and XXXX inputs
XXXXX iterating through the XXXXX you can XXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX values XX XXXX XXX integers called 'odd' XXX 'even'. When you XXX a number XXXX is odd, you add one XX XXX XXX 'XXX' variable. XX see if a XXXXX is XXX or XXXX, you get XXX remainder XX the XXXXX XXXX divided XX two. For XXXXXXX, 46 % X == X XXXXXXX XXXX it XX even. Also, X % 2 == X XXXXX XXXXX XXXX is is XXX.
3. Cumulative XXXXXX. XX the XXXXX is X 7 2 9, XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX 1 8 XX 19.
To print the XXX XX XXX variable, you XXX iterate through the arrayand print the XXXXX XX the end XX each iteration.
4. XXX adjacent XXXXXXXXXX. If XXX input is 1 3 X 4 5 X X X X X, XXX output XX 3 X X. XXXXX for XXXXX who account for XXXXXXXX adjacent numbers like X 6 6.
For this, you find if XXX XXXXXXX number and the number after it equal the XXXX. If XXXX do, then add them to an XXXXX.
Again, XXX XXX attachment for a better XXX XXXX XXXXXX explanation.