XXXXXX XXXXX XXXX very conflicting claims on what land they should own as compared XX these other XXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXX would XXXXX to many problems XX XXXX state fights for its own XXXX-interest. Therefore, XXXX point XXXX XXXXXX in XXXXXX XX XXXXXX even more XXXXX after XXX, despite XXX fact XXXX it XX XXXXXX as an attempt XX XXX XXXXXX, due to the simple fact XXXX XXX 'Russian XXXXXXXXX' in XXXXXXXX is XX longer clear.
9. X readjustment of the XXXXXXXXX XX Italy should XX XXXXXXXX along clearly recognizable lines XX nationality.
On paper, this sounds ideal, XX drawing a XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXX map Italy's borders XX solve XXXXXXXX. XXXXXXX, before XXXXX had XXXX XXXXXX the XXX XX XXX side XX XXX Allies, the Treaty of XXXXXX promised XX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXX around XXX northeastern border, including the XXXXX region, where XXXX Italians then lived under XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX control. (History XXXXXXX, XXXX) The XXXXXX of XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XX islands XXXXXX XXX Adriatic coast. In XXXX XXX point XX Wilson, with the 'XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX frontiers of Italy', the Italian border XXXX be XXXXX XXX definitely not contain as much land as XXXX were promised in XXX Treaty of London. This XXXX true XX XXX Paris Peace Talks.
Due XX XXX lack of XXXXX Italy had received, Italy's XXXXXXXXXX XXX public were not happy XXXX XXXX development, XXX protested XXXXXXX it to XX avail. The words 'clearly XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX of XXXXXXXXXXX' mean that it would be a violation of XXXXXXXXX XXX Italy XX XXXXXX sovereignty XXXX a XXXXX XXXXXX XX people of another race (for examples, XXX XXXXXXX in XXX region XX XXXXX). As XXX XXXXX were XXXXX XXX a XXXXXXXXXXX Italian population, disputes arose, XXXX as Italy XXX Greece over the XXXXXX Islands of the XXXXXXXXXX (Stavridis, 2000). Therefore, XXXX XXXXX could be XXXX XX unfair XX XXXXX XXX went XXXXXXX XXXX it XXX promised several years before.
XXXXXXXXXX:X N Trueman (2015). Retrieved from XXXX:// Channel (XXXX). XXXXXXXXX from XXXX:// X. XXXXXXXXX (2000). Retrieved XXXX http://www.helleniccomserve.XXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXX