as synonymous XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXX, information XXXXXXX consist XX XXXX that XXX been organized XX help answer XXXXXXXX to solve problem. XX I.S XX defined XX the software that help XXXXXXXX and analyze data. XX the purpose of I.S XX to XXXX XXX data XXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX that XXX XX used XX XXXX XXX decision XXXXXX in an organization.
XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX I.S and I.X- I.X and I.S are XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX feild of XXXXX. I.X can be considered XX XXX XXXXXX of I.S . It XXXXX with the techonology part of XXX I.S, XXX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX, server,opearating XXXXXX and XXXXXXXX e.t.c
X- I.S XXX I.T are XXX XXXX of broader XXXXXXXX science.
X- Whereas I.S XXXXXXX XX the system XXXXXX XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX, I.X focuses on XXXXXXXXXXX XXX how it can XXXX in disseminating information.
3- XXXXXXX , I.X and I.S are XXX neccessarily XXX XXXXX XX study, even through,XXXXX XXX XX XXXXX XX XXXXXXX on XXXXX XXXX.