4.XXXXXXX racial and ethnic diversity
XX XXX long XXX, XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX and XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX is XXXXXX a strength. XXX in the short XXX—XXXXX XXXXX now&XXXXX;it contributes to a decline in social XXXXX (XXX XXXXXX XXXX we XXX understand and XXXXX on XXX XXXXXXX) XXX a rise in social XXX political XXXXXXXX.
If there is hope for Americans to move forward together as a country, it XXXX in XXX XXXXXXX XXXX democracy can XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX cultures XXX disparate viewpoints XX XXX same table where they can work XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX based XX a XXXXXX shared XXXXXXXX and XXX greater XXXXXX good. XXXX XX what XX know, or XXXXX we know, about political XXXXXXXXXXXX is based XX polls XXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX dichotomous choices that may fail XX XXXXXXX XXX complexity of how XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX. In XXXXXXX, many XXXXXXXXX have more nuanced XXXXX XXXX one XXXXX assume, XXXX as apparent “moderates” XXXXX have XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX that XXX XXXXXXXXXXXX with a unified XXXXX platform and therefore "XXXXXX XXXX other out"